Beverly Powell, a patient of ARC Physical Therapy and Pain Center, had been suffering with swelling and pain all over her body. She had had this condition for over two years. The pain and swelling were associated with her fibromyalgia. When Beverly first came to ARC, she told the therapist that her pain was a 10 out of 10. The pain was so bad that Beverly had trouble functioning with her daily tasks. Sometimes her pain was so bad that it was exhausting just going to the rest room and back. Beverly was unable to get a good night’s sleep, couldn’t walk any distance and couldn’t perform daily chores. Beverly didn’t see any hope for relief.
Before coming to ARC Physical Therapy and Pain Center, she went to a neurologist, orthopedist, and a general practitioner. All told her it was arthritis. Beverly finally saw a specialist who determined it was arthritis and fibromyalgia. After prescribing various pain killers to no avail, her specialist recommended ARC for physical therapy and acupuncture. Beverly received physical therapy, massage therapy, manual therapy, acupuncture and electrical stimulation from ARC’s therapists.
Reflecting on her treatment, Beverly said, “The therapists eased into my therapy as I felt more relief. It was baby steps at first, but now I can accept more vigorous treatment.” On Beverly’s first visit to ARC, she was in so much pain the therapists could hardly touch her. “After my third treatment, I was already getting some relief, and I started sleeping better than I have in years!”
After eight treatments, Beverly has had almost a week of little to no pain. She has resumed cleaning house and shopping, and has even gone on outings to the beach. Beverly said that these activities were impossible before. “It’s like a miracle. I appreciated even a little relief, but when I had several days without pain, I cried happy tears rather than tears because of excruciating pain.”
Beverly felt as though the staff at ARC were “... very kind and genuinely cared about their patient’s well-being.” She is recommending her sister, who has been suffering with fibromyalgia for 14 years, come to ARC for therapy and relief. “This treatment gives me hope for a better quality of life and the ability to cope.”