Tendonitis is inflammation of the lining of the tendon sheath (tenosynovitis) and of the enclosed tendon (tendonitis). Both tendonitis and tenosynovitis occur spontaneously or in association with injury, work and sports activities, certain types of arthritis or infection. The shoulder is most commonly affected. The attachment of the biceps tendon at the shoulder is especially vulnerable to this condition. Bicipital tendonitis is manifested by aching along the biceps muscle that radiates up to the shoulder and down to the forearm. The pain is worse with movement. Among the other common locations for tendonitis are the elbow, wrist, hand, knee, and ankle. Anti-Rheumatics often help, but the choice of appropriate anti-rheumatic depends upon its other properties, in turn governed by the interpretation of the patients needs. Anti-Inflammatories are commonly taken in an effort to find relief. Anti-Spasmodics can also help in easing associated local muscular tension. Circulatory Stimulants & Rubefacients contribute by increasing local blood circulation. In addition, analgesics may help, however, the legal herbal analgesics do little in such cases.