Poor Posture

Relaxing the tight muscles through massage and being aware of your posture are steps that can be taken to improve your posture and relief discomfort.


How to Correct Poor Posture?

The most common postural problem is forward head posture. Because of repetitive daily activities such as working on the computer, long-distance driving, carrying a backpack, watching television or playing video games, our body is forced to adapt to these poor postural habits and repetitious head movements with a forward head posture. 

Usually, the head is directly over the shoulders. Imagine that the weight of your head is comparable to the weight of a melon. When the head is forward or out of alignment, it puts a strain on the muscles and the spinal structures of the neck and upper back. When spinal structures are under a tremendous stress for a long time they begin to deform or misalign. This can lead to arthritis of the neck. Even the discs can come under a lot of pressure. Some of the symptoms of a forward head posture are neck pain, headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome, tinnitus and fibromyalgia. Forward head posture can result in many necks and upper back conditions. 

Solutions to forwarding head posture are reducing the pain by relaxing the tight muscles through massage, opening up the upper back and tight spinal structures. Improving posture is a very important focus. Being aware of your posture is the most important step.


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