Mercedes Moreira had been suffering with severe low back pain that radiated down to her knee for 5 years. Mercedes was suffering from Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis. Mercedes said, “I was unable to perform any normal activities including cleaning, gardening and just walking”. She went on to say, “I spent most of my time in a reclining chair, and a lot of the time I even slept there.”
Mercedes had visited her Doctor for her severe pain and was put in a wheel chair and used a cane when necessary. Mercedes had injections in her back and took pain medication regularly to reduce the pain level. She also saw a Chiropractor, but none of the treatments gave her any relief. Mercedes had success with acupuncture 30 years earlier for migraines and out of desperation she told her doctor that she needed acupuncture. “Thankfully”, she added, “my Arthritis Clinic recommended ARC Physical Therapy and Pain Center.”
Mercedes’ pain was so severe that she didn’t start to show signs of improvement until the third or fourth treatment with ARC. While receiving treatment at ARC, Mercedes had Acupuncture, Electro-stimulation, Manual Therapy, Massage Therapy, and Exercise Training, By her tenth visit, Mercedes was able to do her housework, she is back to gardening and she takes walks every morning.
When Mercedes started therapy at ARC Physical Therapy and Pain Center, she reported to the Physical Therapist that her pain level was a 10 out of 10. Mercedes said excitedly, “after a month’s worth of treatment, my pain level is down to a 0 to 1 out of 10!”
“I think the staff at ARC was the best! Everyone is so nice and truly cares about the patient’s well-being. I am comfortable telling anyone who suffers with pain about ARC”, Mercedes said as she left ARC with a new pep in her step.