Rejane (Jane) Murphy had been suffering from neck pain and stiffness for over a month. She was diagnosed with degenerated discs, and the pain was getting worse and worse. When she first came to ARC Physical Therapy and Pain Center, she told the therapists that her pain level was 10 out of 10. Even though her pain was mainly in the neck, she was in agony and hurt all over.
Jane was unable to sew and read, and the pain affected her sleep and driving. Her primary care physician gave her muscle relaxants that were not effective. When the treatment failed, her physician recommended that she come to ARC Physical Therapy and Pain Center.
Jane received acupuncture, physical therapy, massage therapy, acupressure and acupuncture with stimulation. After 12 treatments, her pain is now at a level 0 out of 10. Jane is thrilled that she is back to sewing and reading, her driving has become easier, and she is sleeping much better.
Jane has recommended many of her friends to ARC Physical Therapy and Pain Center. Since the staff was so knowledgeable and successful, she is completely comfortable recommending ARC to anyone with chronic pain.
Degenerated discs does not mean you have to live a degenerated life!